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  1. UFO Wave 1896-1897 - Búsqueda en Google

    See also UFOs of 1896-1897: The Airship Wave by Robert C. Neely, Jr. Fund for UFO Research. 1988. 4. Crop Circle Symposium, Fortean Times, #53, pp. 32-69. ...,UFO%20Wave.htm - En caché
  2. Airship Sightings 1896-1897 - Buscar con Google

    Scientific support; Congressional hearings. ... Ufos of 1896-1897: the airship wave / Robert G. Neeley. ... - 111k - En ... - En caché
  3. La vaca raptada por los extraterrestres | Marcianitos Verdes

    Jerome Clark, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrials, Visible Ink, 1998. Neeley G. Robert, Jr., UFOs of 1896-1897: The Airship Wave, ... - En caché - Similares
  4. Marcianitos Verdes - Part 971

    Neeley G. Robert, Jr., UFOs of 1896-1897: The Airship Wave, Fund for UFO Research, 1988. Rickard Bob, Fortean Corrigenda: Disappearance of David Lang, ... - En caché
  5. Les OVNIS dans la presse quotidienne US airships de 1878 à 1897

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    29 mars 2007 ... 7- Robert Neeley Jr., UFO's of 1896-1897 : The Airship Wave, Washington, D.C., FUFOR, sans date. 8- Tom Crouch, The Gas-Bag Era, ... - En caché
  6. L'airship de 1897

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    7- Robert Neeley Jr., UFO's of 1896-1897 : The Airship Wave, Washington, D.C., FUFOR, sans date. 8- Tom Crouch, The Gas-Bag Era, in « Aviation Quarterly » ... › OVNIArticles - En caché - Similares
  7. Down to Earth – UFO Investigation 1897 Style. Nigel Watson | MAGONIA

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    24 Mar 2009 ... Other excellent sources are Robert G. Neeley's 'UFOs of 1896/1897: The Airship Wave' (both published by the Fund for UFO Research ... - En caché - Similares
  8. Varicose Brains, Part 3: Headhunt. Martin Kottmeyer | MAGONIA

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    16 Jan 2009 ... Neeley, Robert G. UFOs of 1896/1897: The Airship Wave FFUFOR, n.d., pp. 46-69, case #1. Neeley, case #6. Neeley, case #12. Neeley, case #16 ... - En caché
  9. Nigel Oldroyd - United Kingdom - Email, Address, Phone number ...

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    Neeley, Robert G.; "UFOs of 1896/1897: The Airship Wave", Fund for UFO Research, 1988, 46-49 102. Watson, Nigel; Oldroyd, Granville and Clarke, David; . ...
  10. [PDF]

    The REALL News, Volume 8, Number 7, July 2000

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    They wanted to know who had invented them. Who was flying the airships? (Neeley,. Robert B. UFOs of 1896/1897: The Airship Wave FFUFOR, undated) ...
  11. Turbo20 search results

    7- Robert Neeley Jr., UFO's of 1896-1897 : The Airship Wave, Washington, DC, FUFOR ... 14- Jean Sider, ... ... - En caché
  12. [PDF]


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    Neeley, Robert G.. Jr. The Airship Chronicle and UFOº of 1896-1897: The Airship Wave. Mount Rainier: Fund for UFO Research, 1988.[Chronological catalog of ...
  13. Búsqueda en Google: Robert G. Neeley , UFOs of 1897 Se buscó ...

    Neeley, Robert G.; "UFOs of 1896/1897: The Airship Wave", Fund for UFO Research, 1988, 46-49. ... - 32k - En caché ...,R.G.Neeley-2.txt - En caché
  14. Neeley, Robert G. - SkepticReport UFO Bibliography

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Neeley, Robert G. The airship chronicle / Robert G. Neeley. – Mt. Rainier, MD : Fund for UFO Research, 1988. – 263 s. —– Ufos of 1896-1897: the airship wave ...
  15. [PDF]

    SHG Workshop Proceeding I

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    Neeley, Robert G., Jr., ed. UFOs of 1986/97: The Airship Chronicle. ...... The waves of 1896-1897 and 1947 have appealed to dedicated, and often ob- ...
  16. Matt's Wiki | ScienceInTheAgeOfDecadence / Science in the Age of ...

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    9 Nov 2009 ... The main story is separated into three waves: 1896-1897 wave · 1909-1910 ... Neeley, Robert G. Jr.. 1979. 1897: The Airship in Illinois. ... - En caché
  17. [PDF]


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    Vuosien 1896-1897 ilmalaivahys- teriaa voidaan pitää kollektiivisen toiveajattelun .... Neeley, R. 1979. The Airship in Illinois. Journal of. UFO Studies. ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    11 févr. 2010 ... Robert Neeley Jr., UFO's of 1896-1897 : The Airship Wave, Washington, D.C., FUFOR, sans date. - Tom Crouch, The Gas-Bag Era, in « Aviation ... - En caché

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Robert Neeley Jr., UFO's of 1896-1897 : The Airship Wave, Washington, D.C., FUFOR, sans date. - Tom Crouch, The Gas-Bag Era, in « Aviation Quarterly », vol. ... - En caché
  20. sv-en.ta - Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos |

    ... 1893 1894 1894 1895 1895 1896 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1899 189 f. ...... (EP) Blimp blimps Blimp non-rigid airship Blimp Non-rigid airship Blind ...
  21. 0 0 0-0 Roque 0110 0110 0110 concerts 0110 0/1 knapsack problem ...

    ... en sport 1896 Summer Olympics Jeux Olympiques d'été de 1896 1897 1897 ...... 2003 EL61 2003 European heat wave Canicule de 2003 2003 FIFA World Youth ...

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